
Hi, I’m Jennifer (And, I do use all the syllables and go by Jennifer – always).

I love coffee and dark chocolate, good books, friends, quiet, and clean appliances (a weird thing I’ve discovered that makes me happy). I value good, healthy food but hate bananas. If you’re looking for banana recipes, you’ve come to the wrong place, and I’m sorry, not sorry.

I’m a recovering overachiever and perfectionist. I have always looked to others to set the bar for me, then had to prove that I could jump even higher. The resulting stress and anxiety created physical symptoms that I have spent the last decade acknowledging and addressing.

While there have been lots of behaviors I’ve adapted or altered, like food, sleep, and exercise, the biggest change has come in the way I think about myself and how I interact with the world. The combination of these changes has allowed me to show up authentically as myself, no matter the role I am playing in life – wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, business owner, community member.

The unrealistic expectations I put on myself for years came to roost in the form of gut issues, eczema, and anxiety.

Enter children. At 17 months old, one of my kids was diagnosed with a peanut allergy which opened a whole new world of gut health and how our immune system works. I was fascinated. Through my research and by applying functional medicine principles through the care of a practitioner, our family began what I believe will be a lifelong journey of wellness.

Our practitioner has addressed several physical issues that I’ve had, but it was in addressing my mindset, how I viewed myself and my body (its strength, resilience, and ability), that I began to heal.

I learned that a combination of lifestyle behaviors gives us health and wellness – of course, healthy food; but also exercise and movement; sleep, rest, and relaxation; stress transformation; and relationships. In time, my practitioner mentioned that my physical body was healthier because my mental and emotional state had shifted. Also, around the same time, every member of my family made a significant shift in their own area of health vulnerability. My letting go had a bigger impact than on just me.

Our behaviors matter, and that’s what the last decade has taught me. I can choose how I approach my health and wellness, and that's what matters most. My choices, my behavior, and my mindset are all important; they all play a part. 

Life is integrated and how we behave in one area affects how we show up in other areas.

If I eat sugar and have too much caffeine, I am going to show up at a work meeting as jittery, anxious, angry or impatient. In reality, I am not those things, but what I’ve put in my body makes my body unable to fuel itself well. Whereas, if I eat a nutritious breakfast (even if it includes some coffee) that gives my body the building blocks it needs to start the day, I enter the same meeting as awake, alive, and creative, offering my true self to my colleagues.

That is my personal goal: to be authentic. I help others do the same.

Moreover, I help individuals transform stress and prevent burnout so they don’t have to deal with the downstream effects of it. I help them see the connection of body, mind, and spirit. I walk with them as they make choices to improve their own wellness, and I cheer them on as they mark every small and large victory.

Does this resonate with you?

Do you suffer from overwhelm and the stress of multiple roles in life?

Do you have overly high expectations of yourself that you’d never place on anyone else?

Are these things starting to affect how you feel physically? Eat? Sleep? Relate to others?

Have you been considering changes in your lifestyle choices but haven’t done anything about it or maybe don’t know where to start?

I’m a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach.

My goal is to help clients choose calm, kindness, and grace with themselves through self-care that works for them and that they can stick with and sustain for a lifetime. It is not to be burdensome, but it will require change. However, the results will be worth the work and effort.

Interested in making a first step?

Schedule a free 15-minute meet and greet. I’d be honored to walk with you for your second step and those after it. Are you ready to make a choice for yourself? Click here:


I just had my last coaching session with Jennifer. It was so valuable to have an objective perspective and an ally to come alongside me. She asked probing questions that helped me gain clarity and gave me practical tools to help me break negative thinking. She is easy going and easy to open up to but also firm and direct when she needed to be.
— Erin S.